1. Bend Lindo twist-n-roll tweezers into an upside down U shape and place the coilfirmly against the skin.
2. Twist the handles outward (roll the thumbs in).
3. While twisting the handles the coil should roll upwards against your skin and remove any unwanted hair in the process. Always keep the tweezers bent in the upside down U shape.
To clean: wipe with a dry cloth.
To disinfect: spray alcohol on a cloth or paper towel and use it to wipe the coils.
To reduce sensitivity: Place a hot towel on upper lip area for 2 minutes before hair removal. After a few times of usage, your skin will get used to it and you won't need the hot towel any more.
A little painful for me, and it made me sneeze, lol. But if you can handle it, the general ideal is awesome !
I also got to try these...which I adore!!!
I received the above products through <a href="http://sublimemediaconnection.com">Sublime Media Connection</a> in exchange for an honest review. In no way was I asked to give a positive review.
I can't wait to try Swirly Do's! Thanks for sharing!